Oceanides Project

OCTOBRE 2014 : En route vers Constance

Par SANDRINE GAYRARD, publié le mardi 26 mai 2015 09:45 - Mis à jour le mardi 26 mai 2015 09:45

Les élèves de la Téthys Team 2014 2015 sont invités au congrès international OST-ST en Allemagne.

Nous y présenterons le projet et nos réalisations... in english...






Téthys investigation in the Mediterranean Sea





Téthys is the third satellite-tracked buoy built by the students. It is followed by ARGOS and its trajectory is analyzed using Jason data.

How to launch our buoy in the Ligure current? Why does our buoy follow the current?

How much swell energy moves our buoy?

How our drifting buoy could be self-loaded using the energy of the waves?

Would it be possible to reload the batteries using this energy, and would it be worth?